Аynalandy nurlandyr!


   February 27, 2016 at the Chemistry Department of the Department of Philosophy Teachers thumps AN Abdrasilov GZ, Barakbaeva T. , under the "Aynalaңdy nұrlandyr!" organized a debate with the participation of second-year students of the Kazakh branch of the Faculty of Chemistry .

   Discovery of the XXI century in the field of cosmology , evolutionary biology and electronics revolutionized human thinking and gave impetus to the endless questions on the problems of the relation of religion, philosophy, morality, and human life. For example: How and when did the universe? When she disappears? What are the similarities between natural evolution and divine creation? What is the soul? Does it exist? Science - the only way leading to the truth? Is there enough scientific and naturalistic studies on morality?



Publication date :  3/8/2016