Aynalandy nұrlandyr! Meeting of graduates

As part of a university event "Day of graduates" May 30, 2015 at the Department of Philosophy met graduates of the Faculty of Philosophy of different years. The presentations of their groups were: the head of the department of philosophy Nurysheva G.Zh. (graduate 1980), Professor A.G.Karabaeva, associate L.A.Askar, G.H.Myamesheva (graduate 1983) A.A.Kuranbek B.Meyrbekov (graduates of 2000)., and A .T. Nigmetova, teachers Zh.B.Dagzhan, T.A.Barakbaeva (graduates of 2010).

Their memories of the years of training in the walls of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi graduates of the Faculty of Philosophy shared A.Bakiruly (employee magazine "Akikat"), VV Vladimirskii (financial analyst «Zona. Kz»), G.K.Esirkepov (Associate Professor UKGU ) and others, who expressed his gratitude to his Alma-mater and professors for the excellent education, determine their path in life.

At the meeting, which was held in a very warm atmosphere, attended and Graduates this year, got an interesting and useful information about the role of philosophy in the life of the individual and society.

Publication date :  5/31/2015