"100 кytap". Beimbet Mailin

Under the project, the rector of the "100 Kitap" Department of Philosophy FFiP held May 5, 2015 at 14.00 in the Center named after Al Farabi cultural and educational event dedicated to the discussion of the famous novel of the outstanding Kazakh writer Beimbet Mailin "Shұғanyң belgіsі."
Organizers of the event: Doctor of Philosophy., Prof. JA Altayev, Ph.D. Associate Professor Yedilbayeva SJ, Ph.D., associate professor Kuranbek AA, PhD, Senior Lecturer Nigmetova AT

We were invited students, undergraduates, doctoral students, members of the department of philosophy FFiP and everyone.

Active participation in the discussion were the students of chemical, physical and geographical departments.

In the discussion that took place in a warm creative atmosphere, were:
Greeted Ph.D., associate professor Yedilbayeva SJ

Doctor of Philosophy., Prof. JA Altayev He revealed the basic conceptual idea of ​​the work Beimbet Mailin "Shұғanyң belgіsі."

Associate Professor AA Kuranbek spoke about the biography and works of famous Kazakh writer. Presentations were made by 2nd year students majoring philosophy FFiP Tasbolat Bagdaulet and Beken Nuradinov. Later in the discussion works actively participated students and undergraduates of the Department of Philosophy FFiP 2 courses Kyzgaldak Full, 2 courses Maksat Imanbaev, With great interest in the debate was attended 4th year student of the Faculty of Chemistry Makpal Muratkhan, 2nd year students of the Faculty of Physical Edenbay Maksat, Құlmaganbetova Zarina, Nurgazinova Aygerim, Kandillaev Zhandos. PhD, senior lecturer Nigmetova AT held parallel to the themes of human love man, which begins the era of the philosophy of the Renaissance, and the theme of love in the Kazakh philosophy in general, and in the work of B. Mailin in particular.
He summed up the discussion Ph.D., associate professor Yedilbayeva SJ
Good parting students were given by Professor JA Altaeva, wished the students to read more and classics of modern literature.

Publication date :  5/12/2015