Presentation of the dictionary

Presentation of the "German-russian-kazakh dictionary of geographical terms" by senior teacher of department of foreign languages of natural faculties Zhirenshina K.A. took place on February 12, 2015. Conducted presentation leading specialist of the Publishing house of "Қазақ Университеті" S.S.Zhylkaidarova.

This dictionary consists 12 000 terms and word-combinations of modern German are collected on specialities the "Meteorology", "Geography", "Hydrology", "Tourism", taken from original German scientific literature.

There are terms of the subjects allied with geography - to chemistry and biology. The place-names of countries are included in a dictionary also, islands of and other Dictionary is intended for students-geographers, and also for the wide circle of readers of popular scientific literature in area of geography.


Publication date :  3/19/2015