Hasan Ibrashev was born on December 15, 1916 in the village of Umtul Kaztalovsky district council of the Ural region of the Kazakh SSR.


  • Education 

He received his primary education in 1926-1932 in a rural school and a state farm school. For 16 years, by order of the VLKSM, he was sent to Leningrad to study at the Agricultural College. Not knowing the Russian language independently, he entered the university and successfully completed the first course, but after the death of his elder brother was forced to return home, as he was the only breadwinner in the family. Received in 1937 and in June 1941. with honors graduated from the Ural State Pedagogical Institute Pushkin (now the State University of the West Kazakhstan region named after M. Utemisov), specialty "Mathematics". In October 1941 he was drafted into the army and fought in the fields of the Great Patriotic War as a senior lieutenant. In 1943 he was severely wounded and demobilized for disability. Not waiting for full recovery, in the same year he got a job at the Kazakh State University. SM. Kirova (now the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi), where he worked until his death in 1978. Direction of scientific activity H.I. Ibrashev was a theoretician of finite and infinite systems for the stability of differential equations and their solutions.


  • Public work 

Ibrashev was the chairman of the organizing committee and jury of the All-Kazakhstan Mathematical Olympiad, the initiator of the organization of the school and lectures for young mathematicians in Almaty, Deputy Chairman of the Commission of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education. and the Ministry of Education of the Kazakh SSR for the dissemination of mathematical knowledge among workers and students. Particular attention was paid to the attraction of Kazakh youth to the acquisition of mathematical knowledge, for which he conducted research on the development and improvement of mathematical terms in the Kazakh language.
  H.I. Ibrashev was a member of the unified section of mathematics, mechanics and astronomy of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR and the RSFSR. His ties and authority in the mathematical community of the Soviet Union contributed to the formation of several generations of Kazakh mathematicians. Talented graduate students and students H.I. Ibrashev in leading mathematical centers of the country - Moscow, Novosibirsk, Leningrad, Kyiv, Kharkov, Tomsk. As a result, mathematical education and science in Kazakhstan received highly qualified specialists in Kazakhstan - doctors of science, candidates of physical and mathematical sciences - received mathematical education and science.
 He did a lot of pedagogical and organizational work on the establishment and development of mathematical science and education in Kazakhstan. At the initiative of H.I. Ibrasheva, in 1958, the University organized the specialty "Mathematician-Calculator", created the laboratory of the Department of Computational Mathematics, equipped with the latest equipment.


  • Rewards 

For heroic participation in the Great Patriotic War and contribution to the development of mathematics in Kazakhstan H.I. Ibrashev was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the II degree, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the Badge of Honor, the badge "Excellence in National Education of the Kazakh SSR", medals and honorary diplomas of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR.