8D05106 - Nanotechnology in the food industry

Educational program

8D05106 - Nanotechnology in the food industry

Field of education

8D05 Natural Sciences, Mathematic and Statistics

Direction of personnel training

8D051 Biological and   Allied sciences

Group of educational programs

D082 Biotechnology

EP purpose

The Degree program "Nanotechnology in the food industry" is aimed at training qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical staffs

- capable of innovation in the field of bionanotechnology, in the food industry and nanomedicine, and in education, based on an in-depth study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the natural sciences, the systematic use of knowledge and methodology of related scientific fields and digital technologies; 

- able to create a new conceptual knowledge of developing science;

- reasonably present it to specialists in the context of scientific discussions, including international scientific events.

Language of education


Volume of the credits


The awarded academic degree

PhD of «8D05106 Nanotechnology in the food industry» Degree program


Educational outcome

ON1. Analyze and compare the relationship between the composition, structure and properties of nanomaterials and nanoproducts used in the food industry, as well as demonstrate knowledge of the theory and practice of creating various nanomaterials and methods for their research.

ON2 Develop new methods and techniques for studying the structure and properties of nanoobjects in order to further improve them and introduce new specified characteristics; generalize and systematize information about nanoparticles and nanoproducts, their properties, research methods; analyze information, use it in the process of scientific and practical activities.

ON3 The ability to choose the best solutions when creating food products and medicine nanoproducts with regard to the requirements of quality, reliability and cost, as well as deadlines, safety and environmental cleanliness of production.

ON4 Improve existing nanotechnological processes and optimize production flow diagrams in the food industry to improve the quality of the finished product or increase the economic performance of an enterprise, and improve the environmental cleanliness of production.

ON5 To lead the process of implementing scientific research on the formulated topics in the field of studying, improving and creating nanomaterials and nanotechnologies; develop new tools and methods for managing and organizing research activities; to be able to develop, coordinate and issue all types of project documentation, evaluate the way to accomplish the tasks to achieve the goal.

ON6 Participate in the analysis of bionanomaterials or using bionanotechnologies, introduce new methods of laboratory research and new equipment in the clinical diagnostic laboratories that carry out a wide range of laboratory studies necessary to make a diagnosis of the disease, the effectiveness of the therapy and the prognosis of the disease.

ON7 Operation of the legal of basis research in the field of biotechnology, the legal framework of documents regulating the research activities of the Biologist; comply with copyright regulations; to generalize and systematize regulatory and technological documents, patent and licensing literature;

ON8 Developing curriculum plans for Universities, teaching and methodological recommendations for conducting lectures, laboratory classes and seminars for undergraduate and graduate students, conduct classes using active teaching methods, including the creation of models of nanoprocesses.

ON9 To be members of expert commissions to publish scientific articles, bionanotechnological processes, according to the approval of educational and work programs of undergraduate and graduate programs for the specialties "Biotechnology", "Nanotechnology", as well as when considering interdisciplinary works.

ON10 Critically evaluate scientific publications in order to identify current issues and problems in the field of bionanotechnology with the subsequent search for solutions to identified deficiencies, using theoretical knowledge and practical skills in order to improve their professional activities and make proposals for optimizing technological processes taking into account the potential toxicity of nanomaterials, nanoconstructions and their biocompatibility.

ON11 Carry out quality control of vegetable and animal origin raw materials for food production.

ON12 Ability to present the results of educational and research activities in an accessible form to both specialists and non-specialists in written and oral form in the form of scientific reports, abstracts, abstracts, articles, presentations, educational research and scientific projects to work in a team , generate and format new ideas of scientific research, prepare articles for publication in peer-reviewed journals with impact factor

For applicants


Academic activity

Academic activity is a set of transactions, or the joint work of the university administration and the teaching staff with the aim of developing a personality with a higher professional education, i.e. a set of competencies for the future profession, as well as the production of new scientific knowledge.

Scientific activity

Scientific activity - research in the field of application of nanotechnology in the food industry.

International activity

in the future, it is planned to exchange undergraduates and doctoral students with other foreign universities.

Quality assurance (Accreditation, rating, work with employers)

Field of activity: D082 - Nanotechnology in the food industry - 8D05106- Nanotechnology in the food industry: Search for modern concepts of the foundations of biotechnological and biomedical industries, genetic engineering, nanobiotechnology, molecular modeling, operate modern apparatus and equipment to perform research field and laboratory biological work.