Exchange of experience within the framework of academic mobility


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At Al - Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of biology and biotechnology, Department of biodiversity and bioresources, together with associate Professor of the Department "molecular biology and medical genetici", KazNMU them. S. D. Asfendiyarov, C.b.n. Moldakarimova A. J. and A. Z. Mustafayev assistant and associate Professor of the Department of "Histology" PhD Geldibaev M. K. periud 01-13 Feb 2021 the framework of academic mobility held classes in the disciplines of "Cytology and histology", "Stem cells", "the Mechanism of reparative processes" and discussed best practices. Specialists who participated in the academic mobility raised topical issues related to the subject and shared their experience in the course of research.

We express our deep gratitude and appreciation to the Head of the Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, M. S. Kurmanbayeva, and the team for the opportunity to exchange experience within the framework of academic mobility.

Chair of biodiversity and bioresources