Academic mobility and internships

Scientific internships

Ph.D. Associate Professor Inelova Zarina Arkezhanovna from 07/03/19 to 07/23/19 underwent a foreign internship at the "International Center for Advanced Studies and Scientific Information" in Dusseldorf (Germany), Düsseldorf University of Heinrich Heine and at the University of Aachen (RWTh).

Goal: continuingeducation


Imanalinova Azhar Аskarovna-PhD-doctorant 2-specialty course "6D061300-Geobotany" KazNU.

al-Farabi completed a research internship from October 1 to December 12, 2019 at the Xinjiang Institute of ecology and geography (Chinese Academy of Sciences), at the laboratory of biogeography and bioresources of arid lands (Urumqi, China).

The theme of the doctoral dissertation: "Study of vegetation changes in the landscape-ecological profile of the Chu-ili mountains-Taukum Sands".

The purpose of the internship is to get acquainted with literature sources and learn methods for studying the structure and functioning of ecosystems in arid regions.

Foreign research supervisor: Yu Zhang, Professor.

Scientific supervisor: Usen K. PhD. of the geobotany laboratory Of the Institute of botany and phytoitroduction.


Amalova Akerke, PhD student 2 year by specialty «6D060700 – Biology» Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources, facultyof Biology and Biotechnology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. AmalovaA. passed foreign internship from 09.09.2019 to 22.12.2019 at the John Innes Center in Norwich (United Kingdom)

The purpose of the internship was to transform SNP markers associated with quantitative trait loci (QTLs) with common wheat productivity components into informative KASP markers. As a result of overseas internships, she gained knowledge in working with statistical programs and mastered the technology of KASP genotyping. The data obtained during the internship will be the basis for a scientific publication on the topic of the dissertation.

Local supervisor: Prof. Turuspekov Yerlan Head of lab molecular geneticof Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology

Foreign supervisor: Prof. Simon Griffits, Project leaderof Crop Genetics Department, John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK


KaipbayevYernatMuratuly 2nd year master's student of the faculty of biology and biotechnology, specialty " 6M061300-Geobotany» 

In accordance with the program, the scientific internship was held from 25.11.19 to 6.12.19 at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey.  

Scientific supervisor: doctor of biology, Professor Muhitdinov N. M.

The topic of the internship: "Practice in geobotanical research".

The goals of the foreign scientific trip: mastering new modern methods of geobotanical research, consolidating practical skills and familiarizing with foreign technological achievements.

The head of the foreign research internships: Professor Turgut Onay



 Mirzalieva Dinara Beysenbekova Kazakh national University. Al-Farabi, faculty of biology and biotechnology, Department of biodiversity and bioresources, 2nd year doctoral student of the specialty "6D061300-Geobotany".

16.10.2019-30.12.2019. in the period from 19 to 20 November 2013, she held a scientific internship at Akdeniz University, faculty of biology, laboratory of botany (Antalya, Turkey).

Research topic: assessment of the current state of the vegetation cover of the Altyn-Emel SPE.

Purpose of the study: to study the anatomical structure and biochemistry of vegetative organs of Artemisia heptapotamica Poljak plants of the rare Altyn-Emel GNPP.

Scientific supervisor: b.s.d., associate Professor B.M. Sultanova

Foreign supervisor: PhD, Professor S. Aksoy


Kobylin, T.N., Zaparina E.G., S.K. Sarsenkulovа: 2nd year of the faculty of Biology and biotechnology», specialty " 6M061300-Geobotany.

Passed scientific training in accordance with the program from 25.11.2019 to 06.12.2019 at the University of Vytautas the Great, Kaunas, Lithuania.

The theme of the internship: "conservation and rational use of biodiversity".

The purpose of the internship:analysis Methods used to determine the biochemical parameters of plants. PhD Australian Dixidae, assots. Professor Irena Jankauskait


 Foreign travel orders



About the official journey, PhD student of the 2nd course, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology Kuanbai the Gustave Roussy Institute (France), to perform part of the research work on the doctoral program. 
1. Куанбай Айгерим.pdf
About the official journey, PhD student of the 2nd course, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology Nurkenov T.T. in the University of Illinois, Chicago (USA), to perform part of the research work on the doctoral program. 
2. Нуркенов Туленды.pdf 
About the official journey, PhD student of the 2nd course, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology Usipbek the University of Granada, Granada (Spain), to perform part of the research work on the doctoral program. 
3. Усипбек Ботагоз.pdf 
About the official journey, PhD student of the 2nd course, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology Alzhanuly the University of British Columbia (Canada), to perform part of the research work on the doctoral program. 
4. Алжанулы Бахытжан.pdf 





PhD student of the 2nd course of the specialty "6D060700 -Biology", Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology

Nurkenov T.T.

01.02.2019- 01.02.2020


University of Illinois

PhD student of the 2nd course of the specialty "6D060700 -Biology", Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology

Kuanbai A.K.


01.09.2018- 28.02.2019


Gustave Roussy Institute




Gustave Roussy Institute

PhD student of the 2nd course of the specialty "6D060700 -Biology", Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology

Usipbek B.A.

07.10.2018- 04.04.2019


University of Granada




University of Granada, Erasmus+

PhD student of the 2nd course of the specialty "6D060700 -Biology", Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology

Alzhanuly B.

1.08. 2018 –

31.01. 2019 г.


University of British Columbia

Full name
Period of stay
Master's Degree 2 course "6M060700 - Biology" - Bijanova Nazerke from 1 February 2018 to 1 May 2018 Italy 3-month scholarship for the academic mobility program within the INTER-ASIA project for students from countries in the Asian region at the University of Salento (Lecce, Italy) for the amount of 4,935 Euros
Junior Researcher of the Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources - Iklasov Margulan from 1 September 2018 to 30 June 2019 Germany a one-year scholarship for the PhD under the CADI project (Central Asian Desert Initiatives) by the Foundation Prof. Zukkov conservation of nature (Germany) for the amount of 10 000 Euro
Doctoral student of the 1 st year of the specialty "6D060700 - Biology" - Baibagysov Azim from 1 September 2018 to 30 June 2019 Germany a one-year scholarship for the academic mobility program in the framework of the program for the support of young scientists from developing countries at the University of Giessen (Germany) for the amount of 10,000 Euros

2 masters course

Suleimenova N.
Athezhanova A.
Bijanova N.
Mukash A.
Orynbayeva S.
Toitanova A.
Yeltai G.

June 19th – June 30th, 2017 Italy

Summer School “Cardiolung 2017, Updates in Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Pathophysiology” University of Pisa


Kurmanbaeva M.S.
October, 2015
USA, Virginia
Scientific training
Mamilov N.S.
Sapargalieva N.S.
Kozhabaeva E.B.
7-13 september, 2015
XV International Ecological Congress, oral prezentation
Mamilov N.S.
2-6 august, 2015
France, Montpellier
27th International Congress for Conservation Biology and 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology.
Kegenova G.B.
Sapargalieva N.S.
Kozhabaeva E.B.
Mamilov N.S
from 19.04 to 25.04, 2015
Russia, Zvenigorod
Student scientific school for young scientists
Shalakhmetova T.M.
14-17 July, 2015
 Vila Real, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. 10th Iberian and 7th Iberoamerican Congress on Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. CICTA 2015
Shalakhmetova T.M.
May 13-14, 2015
Kazakhstan, Astana
Second International Scientific Conference "Personalized Medicine and Global Health"
Nurtazin S.T.
26-30 november, 2014
Germany, University of Greifswald
Experience exchange, agreement on cooperation
Esimsiitova Z.B.
from 3 to 12 May 2013
France, Western Europe
International organizations and scientific cooperation
from July 8 to July 19, 2013
Internship at the University of Cadiz (Spain)
Physiological, morphological and biochemical methods of investigation