Employer Collaboration of the Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources


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The Department of Biodiversity and bioresources actively cooperates with employers who provide their resources for industrial and professional practices, where undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students receive professional skills and competencies, engage in scientific research. Employers regularly conduct seminars, presentations and excursions. After graduation, many graduates are employed at the place of practice. The Department cooperates most closely with the following companies:

Central laboratory of biocontrol, certification and preclinical testing;

“Institute of Zoology” MES RK;

“Institute of plant biology and biotechnology”;

Research Institute of General genetics and Cytology;

RSE “Institute of reproductive medicine”;

“Institute of human and animal physiology”;

“Institute of botany and Phytointroduction” CS MES RK;

“PERSONA” international clinical center for reproductive medicine;

JSC Scientific center for anti-Infectious drugs;

Asfendiyarov KazNMU;

“Smart Health University City” LLP;

LLP “FoodMaster”;

LLP “Kazakh research Institute of soil science and Agrochemistry named after U. U. Uspanov”;

Zhansugurov Zhetysu State University;

Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University;

Department of agrochemical, soil surveys and complex survey work-Branch of the non-profit joint stock company “State Corporation “Government for citizens”, Almaty;

Shakarim Semipalatinsk State University;

Center for remote sensing and GIS “Terra”

LLP “Scientific and production center of fisheries”

RSE on REM “Kapshagai Presto – rearing farm”

Shilik trout farm;

Issyk trout farm;

Research and production laboratory “Consultant biotech”


Posts made in social networks about events held with employers:





