Plant biomorphology and ecology


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1. Scientific direction

* Fundamental and methodological foundations of monitoring

* * Assessment of the current state of the environmental situation in the regions of Kazakhstan

* * Forecasting environmental risks associated with economic activities

* * Development of effective methods and technologies for improving the human, animal and plant habitat, including bioindication of pollutants and phytoremediation of anthropogenic disturbed areas.

2. Main activities

* bioindication of plant objects and phytoremediation of contaminated areas;

* biological and environmental monitoring;

* anatomical and histochemical studies of plant tissues;

* production of anatomical preparations of vegetative organs of plants;

* morphometric studies;

* identification of indicator signs and plants that can accumulate xenobiotics;

* study of structural and ecological mechanisms of adaptation of plant organisms;

* study of the structural and environmental mechanisms of xenobiotics impact on the plant organism and development of ways to reduce their accumulation in plants.

 3. Directions of scientific and applied research

* Development of basic techniques for biological treatment of soils contaminated with xenobiotics:

* Determination of structural and environmental properties of plant tolerance to identify the main mechanisms of xenobiotics localization in plants.

* Identification of the degree of adaptation of plant organisms to changed environmental conditions

* Assessment of the range of tolerance and adaptability of plants as a basis for bioindication of soil contamination with xenobiotics.

* Study of the role of natural radiation background, natural radionuclides and heavy metals in the life of plant organisms

* Study of problems of ecological morphology of plants, development of the theory of plant adaptability to adverse anthropogenic environmental factors.

* * Development of methods for cleaning contaminated soils.

* Conducting cell monitoring of the current state of the environmental situation.


1. Ахтаева Н.З., А.Б. Омархан, Л. Н. Киекбаева, Ю.А.Литвиненко Дәрілік шикізат ретінде Echinops

2. Kiyekbayeva L... А,  Radhakrishnan   Srivedavyasasri,     Phytochemical сonstituents and Antioxidant аctivity of Echinops albicaulis // Natural Product Research 5 May 2017, Pages 1-5 (Thomson Reuters, Scopus).

3. Айдосова С.С., Ахтаева Н.З., Ахметова А.Б., (Thomson Reuters, Scopus).

4. Ахтаева Н.З., Атежанова А. Изучение морфологических и анатомических особенностей лекарственного растения Nitraria schoberi L. // Фармация Казахстана №6, июнь, 2018, с

5. Ахтаева Н.З., Кисимова Г. Aconthophyllum pungens дәрілік өсімдігінің диагностикалық белгілері // Фармация Казахстана №5, май, 2018, с