THE 2nd INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE «Integration of sciences: biophysics, biomedicine, neuroscience» 25TH OF MAY 2023 ALMATY


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Dear colleagues, schoolchildren, students, undergraduates, doctoral students! We invite you to take part in the International scientific and practical conference " Integration of sciences: biophysics, biomedicine, neuroscience", which will be held on May 25, 2023. The conference is held to promote the success of integrative sciences achieved through interdisciplinary approaches, and will be held in the format of Work Shop of scientists from the fields of biophysics, biomedicine, neuroscience and biological education. The world-famous scientist, the author of an innovative safe nonparalytic pain blocker based on botulinum neurotoxin, Professor of the University of Sheffield (Sheffield, UK) Davletov Bazbek Abubakirovich will deliver a guest lecture at the plenary session. Articles and/or abstracts on the problems of biophysics, biomedicine, neuroscience and biological education are accepted for publication of the conference proceedings.


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