The "Week of Turkish Language and Culture" has started

On March 15, 2021, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted the grand opening of the annual week of "Turkish language and Culture", organized by the Turksoy Department of the Faculty of Oriental Studies and the Attache of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Turkey at the Consulate General of the Republic of Turkey in Almaty. The opening ceremony was attended by the Consul General of the Republic of Turkey in Almaty A. Mr. R. Akinci, Education Adviser at the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Nursultan Mr. A. Chetin, Education Attache at the Consulate General of the Republic of Turkey in Almaty Mr. M. Agyrman. The purpose of the week of "Turkish language and culture" is to promote and introduce students to the history, culture, language and literature of Turkey, honing their knowledge.

Publication date :  3/15/2021