International Women's Day

       International Women’s and Mother’s Day is a celebration aiming to honor mothers, motherhood, and women for their influence in our lives and the impact they have had in our world.

     Following a good tradition of introducing the best quality preparation and the most effective techniques in conducting lessons, this demo lesson organized by associate professor Elnara Dulaeva and Halel Agnur was not an exception. The lesson devoted to implementing and embedding new language content (woman rights, gender equality and etc) along with practicing previously learned grammar structures using effective techniques was a pleasure to watch. Guests of honour Kuljan Bekenovna, Umit Tursynbaevna, had a chance to witness how well thought plan and strategies help the teacher to achieve learning objectives. Stress-free atmosphere and exciting topic are 2 reasons of the success that every lesson should have.

  To all of our students, on this special day, we would like to remind you that every relationship is beautiful, but a mother-daughter or mother-son relationship is beyond description. Your mom was there for you through thick and thin, and it’s important to thank her for all the love and dedication she has put in through the years. Remind your mums of your love and gratitude today and every day!


Senior lecturers of Turksoy Department      E.Dulayeva, Khalel A.   



Publication date :  3/13/2021