3rd year students visited the House-Museum of Akhmet Baitursynov


3rd year students and adviser Nazym Shu'inshina Meta of the Turksoy Department of the Faculty of Oriental Studies visited the cultural and scientific museum dedicated to the life and creative path of public figure, poet, scientist Akhmet Baitursynov. The students got acquainted in the museum with archival materials, various documents, handwritten heritage, photographs, rare books, theoretical works of foreign and domestic scientists and researchers related to the life of A. Baitursynov. Baitursynov lived in this house in 1934. Most of the items placed in the rooms of the house-museum were received from close relatives.The life and work of A. Baitursynov, his works on the Kazakh alphabet and literature remain an eternal example for future generations.
Senior lecturer of the TURKSOYdepartment N. M. Shuinshina Meta

Publication date :  4/21/2023