PhD courses

Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:

Nuclear Physics


of Physics and Technology

  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
ON1 develop the annual and detailed plans; plan and conduct laboratory studies in general physics in accordance with the curriculum; critically assessing the results of training and education; develop systems of cognitive tasks;
ON2 form the professional and practical abilities and skills for teaching physics in elementary and secondary educational institutions and colleges using modern computer technologies, interactive teaching methods, and Internet resources;
ON3 carry out experiment and control studies in the field of nuclear physics, while showing skills in working with technical documentation of radiometric and spectrometric instruments and original scientific literature to solve technical and technological problems;
ON4 plan dosimetry support according to accepted methods of radiation medical procedures and ensure compliance with radiation and environmental safety;
ON5 mathematical models of physical phenomena and processes based on standard computer-aided design and research packages;
ON6 apply basic sanitary and epidemiological radiation safety standards for both personnel and the public. Experimentally determine alpha, beta and gamma background both indoors and in an open atmosphere.
ON7 calculate the radiation protection values and norms for the “hot” laboratory and research centers with cyclotron for PET machines, rooms with gamma cameras, SPECT and PET scanners, including SPECT / CT and PET / CT scanners, as well as “active” chambers in the radionuclide therapy unit.

ON8 perform calculations of nuclear reactions and nuclear decays parameters for the fundamental processes of cosmophysics, astrophysics, radioecology, nuclear diagnostics and therapy, radiation genetics;
ON9 have competence to build specific curricula according to the education progrram and publicly present theoretical and practical sections of physics in accordance with the approved teaching manuals;
ON10 to organize the students’ team work, to maintain activity and initiative in classwork, to foster the independence of students’ mind, and to develop their creative abilities;
ON11 to exhibit ability for the interdisciplinary practical applications of the laws of nuclear physics, general physics, nuclear chemistry, radiation biophysics and ecology;
ON12 to сomply with the ethical principles in all professional interactions with pupils, colleagues and society as a whole, regardless of ethnic characteristics, culture, gender, economic status.
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years