Scientigic - Research Work

The collective of chairis actively engaged in research work. The circle of scientific interests of teachers of chair is wide enough: theoretical problems of general linguistics, a semasiology problem, onomasiology, a lexicology, phraseology, a problem of a technique of foreign languages teaching and comparative researches. Teachers publish a considerable quantity of methodical grants, methodicalworks, articles, theses of conferences, brochures.

Teachers of chair Zhanabekova M. A, Turumbetova L.A., Kamzina A.A., Konyrbekova T.O., Saparhodzhaeva N.P. successfully work over master's theses. Scientific work of chair is conducted on a long-term plan, there are begun researches on such four important and actual problems, as gradual approach to learning of foreign languages, foreign language teaching in the Kazakh audience, questions of the theory and translation practice, questions of comparative studying of the Kazakh and Russian languages with foreign (English, French, German) languages.