I am very pleased to welcome your interest in the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences. We are very glad that you will begin this unforgettable adventure with us and our partners - the leading research institutions in Western Europe, America, China, Southeast Asia, Japan. Nowadays taking into account the main challenges of our time - global and regional changes in the habitat, geography and related sciences: geodesy and cartography, land management, cadastre, GIS technologies, meteorology, hydrology, tourism are very important spheres of national security and sustainable development of our country. The problems of climate change and adaptation, water and energy security come to the forefront.
Only geography can help to comprehensively assess space, territory, resource potential, the ability to make decisions based on constant monitoring of ongoing processes, identify the most important trends, which allows us to develop effective mechanisms for adaptation, increasing sustainability. Separately, I want to say about the directions of ecology and safety of life (OBZH). At our faculty, a unique, innovative and innovative university has been established in partnership with leading foreign universities, such as Columbia University (New York, USA), the Polytechnic University of Lisbon (Portugal), the International University of Nature, Society and Human "Dubna" (Russia) The only one in the CIS area, the international chair "UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Development", whose main task is to prepare and publish on the basis of the specialties "Ecology" and "Safety of Life Safety (OBE)" on an interdisciplinary The basis of unique specialists in the field of sustainable innovative energy and ecological development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, having professional competencies at the level of international standards designed to ensure the transition of Kazakhstan to the "Green Economy". The focus of innovative solutions initiated by our university in recent years, supporting the initiatives of Kazakhstan on the transition to the "Green Economy", is the Eurasian platform "The Green Bridge Through Generations", which was presented at the World RIO +20 summit and is based on our faculty. Its main goal is to involve young people in the promotion of the initiatives of the Head of the Republic of Kazakhstan NA. Nazarbayev: Global Energy-Ecological Strategy for Sustainable Development in the 21st Century, Partnership Program "Green Bridge". This project will mobilize the efforts of young people for the practical implementation of initiatives on sustainable innovation development. Every year our graduates become more and more in demand on the labor market and work in various fields of state and local government, science, education, business, including abroad (USA, Germany, Australia, Austria, Poland and other countries). I look forward to meeting with you and I wish you success in your admission to the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management.
Dean of the Faculty of Geography and Enviornmental Sciences Сandidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor
Аliya Aktymbayeva