All-Russian Science festival at RUDN


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On October 9, 2020, as part of the All-Russian Festival of Science, RUDN University hosted events in which students of the Department of Russian Philology and World Literature of the Faculty of Philology and World Languages ​​of the Kazakh National University in Almaty took part.
The event was held jointly with the Faculty of Philology of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia in Moscow.
The NAUKA 0+ festival in Moscow is one of the world's largest social projects in the field of science popularization. Universities, museums and even schools traditionally take part in it, and among the experts and speakers are world-famous scientists.
KazNU students attended the Round Table "The Epoch of the Thaw: Physics and Lyrics in Life and Art", which was prepared by the departments of the Faculty of Philology of RUDN: the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature and the Department of General and Russian Linguistics.
The round table was held online.
The head of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature, Doctor of Philology, Professor Alexander Georgievich Kovalenko said a welcoming speech.
Within the framework of the round table, they talked about one of the most interesting and amazing epochs in literature and science - the era of the Thaw (mid-1950s - mid-1960s). Many people of the sixties remember these years as the best time not only in their lives, but also in the history of the country, the years that changed the course of history.
RUDN University teachers talked about this amazing time, touching upon literature, science, cinema. They showed excerpts from films, talked about scientific achievements in the field of linguistics, literary criticism and about new stages in the development of literature and its influence on the culture of a huge country - the USSR. RUDN University students read the poems of the poets of that time, since it was poetry that became the most important art of the era.
At the end, there was a discussion of the material and the students asked questions.