Lecturers of A. Baitursynuly Department of Kazakh Linguistics checked Kazkh language tests prepared by the National Testing Center


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In order to implement the objectives specified in 2020-2025 language policy implementation state program in the Republic of Kazakhstan, from January 30 to February 2 and from February 7 to February 10, 2023, another examination of tests developed according to the KAZTEST system by the National Testing Center of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education was carried out. The senior lecturers of A. Baitursynova Department of Kazakh Linguistics, Imankulova S. M., Abdrakhmanova Zh. A., Egizbaeva N. Zh., Alimtaeva L. T., Doctor of Philological Sciences Tymbolova A. O. were involved in checking the Speaking part test tasks of the KAZTEST system.