Awards and achievements of the chair

  • Awards to scientists and specialists for merits in the development of education, science and active social activity in 2021-2022
1. Professor Salkynbai A.B.  was awarded the gold medal of the public NAK  «Birlik»
2. Professor Salkinbay A. B. was awarded the medal «Eren enbegi ushin»
3. Professor Alkebaeva D.A. was awarded the medal «Eren enbegi ushin»
4. Zhusanbaeva S.B. was awarded the medal «Eren enbegi ushin»
5. Imanalieva G.K. was awarded the medal «Eren enbegi ushin»
6. Satkenova Zh.B. was awarded the medal «Eren enbegi ushin»
7. Umirbekova R.K. was awarded the badge "30 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" on 15.12.2021.
8. Utemisova G. Zh. – 2nd place in the competition «Best adviser – 2021», organized by the union of students and undergraduates Sunkar. 2021.
  •  Achievements and awards received by teachers of the department in the 2022-23 academic year

1. Ramazanova Sh.A. was awarded the medal «Eren enbegi ushin»

2. Ashirova A.T. was awarded the medal «KURMET» of the trade union «Parasat» of Kazakhstan for worthy work in protecting the interests of the trade union.

3. By order of A. Mukhambetov, the akimat of Kostanay region was awarded the «commemorative medal for the 150th anniversary of the teacher of the nation A. Baitursynov», doctor of philological sciences, professor A. Salkynbay. 

4. By order of A. Mukhambetov, the akimat of Kostanay region was awarded the «commemorative medal for the 150th anniversary of the teacher of the nation A. Baitursynov», doctor of philological sciences, O. Zhubay 


  • Awards to scientists and specialists for merits in the development of education, science and active social activity in 2021-2022


Konyrbai Aiganym, the 2d year student of the Faculty of Philology of Al-Farabi KazNU majoring in Kazakh Philology took part in the competition for the best essay: “To have motherland is a great happiness” organized by the Department of Language Development of Almaty oblast .

Essay topic was “The man inspiring the youth”

Scientific advisor is Alekbayeva Dina Akbergenovna, Doctor of Philology

By the competition results Aiganym was awarded the diploma and 35 000 tenges.

Ashirova Anar Tishibayevna is awarded the medal of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University for "Outstanding Contribution".


2020 On September 15, the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the People's Republic of China organized an online "Abai Readings" organized as part of the celebration of the 175th anniversary of the great Kazakh poet, philosopher and humanist Abai Kunanbayevich.

He thanked H. Karabayeva for her participation in the 5th meeting and significant contribution.

 For the exchange of new ideas in the Kazakh alphabet at the Republican scientific-practical conference
   For the exchange of new ideas in the Kazakh alphabet at the Republican scientific-practical conference

For the report at the plenary session in the republican scientific and practical online conference



The Department of Kazakh linguistics and the Faculty of Philology congratulate the master students of "Kazakh Philology" specialty who took part in the III International Online Olympiad "Young Philologist" among universities of Central Asia.  Supervisor: Doctor of Philology, Professor Dina Akbergenovna Alkebayeva


ANARBEKOVA ULZHAN USENOVNA, ", the 2nd year doctoral student of "Kazakh philology specialty, took the first place in the republican competition: "THE BEST YOUNG SCIENTIST - 2020".  We are congratulating our master students on this significant achievement. 

Supervisor: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Anar Bekmyrzakyzy Salkynbay

BEKET UTEGENOV, the winner of the republican competition "THE BEST YOUNG SCIENTIST - 2020", the first-year master's degree in "Kazakh philology", was awarded the first place.  CONGRATULATIONS ON RECEIVING.  Supervisor, doctor of philological sciences, professor Guldarkhan Nurgazyevna Smagulova



We thank Raya Nursultankyzy for her active participation in the organization of the Republican scientific and methodological conference " Modernization of philological education:experience and problem", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of doctor of Philology, Professor, "Excellent student of public education", holder of the order "Kurmet" AMIR RAKISH SATOVICH!

The teacher of the department of 
Kazakh linguistics, candidate of 
philological sciences, associate 
professor Imankulova Saltanat was
 recognized as “The best teacher of
 the university”.

Within the framework of the “Rukhani zangyru” program, the project on teaching Latin alphabet for people with hearing,
hearing impairment, congenital dementia, children and adults with language violence has become a prize. Project name: 
"To teach the Latin alphabet for hearing impaired children and adults." Project author: 4th year student Alva Mazhitovna.
 Project Leader: Abdrakhmanova Zhazira Asembekovna. 

With the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Independence Day,

the El-Shezhire Public Foundation, organized the Republican contest “100 Best Students Ideas”. 2nd year students

of the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi Emangaliyeva Kamila and Karataeva Balzhan were awarded the

first place in the national branding project “Business and Startups” “Alshi”.  

Project Manager: Satkenova J.

Lecturer of the department, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor
 Kulzhanova Bakhytgul Raikhanovna was awarded the medal "The best teacher of the year-2018".

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University took the 1nd place in the ranking of educational programs of universities in Kazakhstan - 2018 by 
 the program "5В020500-Philology"

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University took the 2nd place in the ranking of educational programs of universities in Kazakhstan - 2018 by 
the program "6M020500-Philology"

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University took the 1st place among higher educational institutions participating in the rating of the Independent Agency
 for Accreditation and the 2018 rating in the specialty 5B020500 - Philology in bachelor's degree. Director of the NAAR Zhumagulova Alina congratulated 
and presented the certificate. 

In the framework of the program article "Болашакка багдар: рухани жангыру" ("Prospects for the Future: Spiritual Renewal") of the Head of State N.A.Nazarbayev,
 an Olympiad in the Kazakh language was held among university students in Almaty to enhance the status of the state language and expand its use.
First-year students of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi Pariev Igor, Mahmudova Diana, Ismailov Khalil, created the team "Eagles Al-Farabi",
 showed good results and won the Grand Prix. We thank Danilchenko Bogdan, Vedashkina Natalia, Kairola Dinara, Yakupova Mokhidilge. Teacher: Umirbekova Rosa, Utemisova Gulmira.

Competition "The Best Student Innovation Project in Student Business Incubators" (2018)

A third-year student of the Faculty of Philology and World Languages ​​Isa Alvira Mazhitovna was awarded for the 2nd place and received a certificate in the amount of 100 000 tenge.
The supervisor of studies is the teacher of the department of Kazakh linguistics Abdrakhmanov Zhazirа Asembekyzy.

Egizbaeva Nyzyken Zhanenovna - Awarded by the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (December 15, 2017) for his outstanding personal contribution to the development of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

ІV International Farabi readings (10-13.04.2017)

International scientific conference "Фараби әлемі" of students and young scientists

of section "Knowledge of Kazakh: traditions and modern reasonings"

The number of students who have submitted the application and a subject for participation in section – 53, from them participating in section and defended projects and given the report – 35.

All reports of students have been listened, appropriate questions have been asked. Following the results of works of section the following conclusions have been made:

The excellent work discussed from the scientific point of view, with drawing up the corresponding dictionary and applying for rewarding from administration – work of the student of 2 grade of specialty "Philology: Kazakh language" Emesheva Guldariga. The topic: «М. Мағауин шығармаларындағы кей көне сөздердің мағыналық сипаты».

1 place – Otegen Beckett, specialty "Kazakh and Literature", 1st - year student. Subject: «Ә. Кекілбайұлы шығармаларындағы «тәуелсіздік» сөзінің құндылық сипаты»;

2 place – Seytbakal Arlen, specialty "Philology: Kazakh", 2nd - year student. Subject: «Құтыптың «Хұсрау мен Шырын» поэмасының қазақ әдеби тіл тарихындағы орны»;

2 place – Kaspikhan Baurzhan, specialty "Kazakh and Literature", 2nd - year student. Subject: «Сөйлем соңына қабаттасып қойылатын тыныс белгілерінің кейбір мәселелері»;

2 place – Amankul Sandugash, university of Süleyman Demirel. Subject: «Дәстүрлі және қазіргі тілдік санадағы қасқыр лексемасының лингвомәдени ерекшелігі»;

3 place – Shamisheva Dinara, specialty "Philology: Kazakh", 3rd - year student. Subject: «Қазақстандағы тіл саясаты мен тілдік ахуалдың социолингвистикалық ерекшеліктері»;

3 place – Ashirkulov K., university of foreign languages and business career. Subject: «Қазіргі  ауызекі сөйлеу тіліндегі фразеологиялық тіркестердің қолданысы»;

3 place – Amanzhanova Zhansulu, specialty "Philology: Kazakh", 2nd  - year student. Subject: «Қазақ сөздерінің терминденуі»;

3 place – Ydyrysova Gulim, specialty "Philology: Kazakh", 3rd - year student. Subject: «Ахмет Байтұрсынұлының әдіснамасы: қазақ тілін оқыту мәселелері»;

3 place – Zhanat Zhadyra, specialty "Philology: Kazakh", 3rd - year student. Subject: «Қазақ тіліндегі үстеудің мағыналық топтары және одан туындайтын проблемалар»;

Applicants for the diploma: Seysenbek Alimgeldi – 2nd - year student, Kypshakbay Perizat –  3rd - year student, Imangazina of Meruert – 2nd -year student, Kasymova Balzhan- 1st - year student, Aluakas Botagoz – 1st - year student, Kamal Akerke – 3rd  - year student, Kartbayeva N. – university of Almaty, Mizambekova  Nursaya –3rd - year student.





Ashirov Anar Tishibaevna was awarded the medal. Bauyrzhan Momyshuly "Батыр шапағаты" for his merit in the field of education (December 23, 2016).






























































































Salkynbay A. B. – the professor of chair of the Kazakh philology, the doctor of philological sciences. She was awarded as “ The best teacher of university- 2009, 2014 year”. Winner of state scholarships "Bolashak" (2013-2014).

Salkynbay A. B. – the professor of chair of the Kazakh philology, the doctor of philological sciences. She was awarded as “ The best teacher of university- 2009, 2014 year”. Winner of state scholarships "Bolashak" (2013-2014).
Kulzhanova B. R.– the docent of pulpit in Kazakh philology, the candidate of philology sciences. She is awarded by gold medal and by diploma for foremost activity in educational system and exploring the ancient Turkish ( European scientific-industrial palate, Belgiya, Brussel, 2014 y).
Smagulova G.N.– «the Best teacher HIGH SCHOOL» (2008). The professor of chair of the Kazakh philology, the Doctor of Philology. Awards: Honourable diploma Міждународна виставка «Suchasn_ навчальні заклади – 2010», 17 19 березня m. of Ki_v. УКРАІНА (the International exhibition «Modern educational institutions 2010»). Professor Smagulova G.N. - «Саңлақ автор - the Best author» Association of high schools RK a medal of a name of A.Bajtursynova for long-term fruitful workon a writing of the educational literature for high schools.
Momynova B.K. – the professor of chair of the Kazakh philology, the doctor of philological sciences. the professor of chair of the Kazakh philology, the Doctor of Philology. Awards: «the Best teacher of HIGH SCHOOL» (2007). The owner of the award Sh.Ualikhanova on humanitarian area.

Alkebayeva D. - the professor of chair of the Kazakh philology, the doctor of philological sciences. She is owner of medal in honour to the 80 anniversary of KazNU named after Al Farabi.( 30 of December, 2014).

Imanalieva G. - the docent of pulpit in Kazakh philology, the candidate of philology sciences. Head of Section, a developer, an expert on the project "Kaztest" (2006-2013); the owner of the state scholarship "Bolashak" (2013-2014). 

R.S.Amir – the professor of chair of the Kazakh philology, the doctor of philological sciences. Awards: «the Honour sign» (1981) . She is awarded by a sign «Honourable educator Republic of Kazakhstan» (2009), «An award in honor to the 75 anniversary of KazNu».

Sagyndykuly B.– the professor of chair of the Kazakh philology, the Doctor of philological sciences. Awards: an award in honor to the 75 anniversary KazNU (October, 2009).