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On December 2, 2020, on the ZOOM platform, the Department of Kazakh Linguistics of the Faculty of Philology and World Languages ​​hosted the online conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of an outstanding scholar, Doctor of Philology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Professor Smagulova G.N. The topic of the conference was "KAZAKH LANGUAGE IN MODERN SPACE: KNOWLEDGE, CULTURE, COMMUNICATION". The conference was moderated by Doctor of Philology, Altynai Tymbolova.

Outstanding scholars, well-known public figures of Kazakhstan, scholars of Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Turkey and China joined the online conference to congratulate Professor G.N. Smagulova on this commemorative date. This day professor Smagulova G.N. received many warm words and wishes from her colleagues and students. The famous statesman, Sherubai Kurmanbai congratulated Professor G.N. Smagulova and awarded her  the certificate of honor. During the conference, there was a presentation of the Yakut-Russian and Kazakh-Russian dictionary of polysemantic phraseological units, which Professor Smagulova G.N. wrote in co- authorship with the Russian scholar, Svetlana Mitrofanovna Prokopyeva, the professor of the Institute of Languages ​​and Culture of the People of the North-East of the Russian Federation. Vladimir Dmitrievich Monastyrev, the candidate of philology of the Institute for Humanitarian Research and Problems of Small Nations of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, also congratulated Professor G.N. Smagulova. and wished creative success and robust Siberian health. Vladimir Dmitrievich said about  Professor G.N. Smagulova’s enormous contribution to the development of Turkic languages’ phraseology.

   This day, all speakers emphasized the role of Professor G.N. Smagulova’s research in the development of Kazakh language phraseology and discourse. The candidate of Philology of Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University, Amantai Zhilkubayeva emphasized that Professor Smagulova G.N. is an outstanding scholar and the founder of the Kazakh phraseology school. The candidate of Philology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kurkebayev Kenzhetai prepared a presentation about the elective courses by Professor G.N. Smagulova. During the conference, the scientific monographs and books written  by Professor G.N. Smagulova were presented. The conference program also included the show of the video about professor G.N. Smagulova’s students.

After all reports and congratulations professor Smagulova G.N. thanked her students and colleagues for the warm and good words and today's conference. She wished everyone good health and creative success. The event ended with congratulations by the students of the Faculty of Philology and World Languages. The student recited the poem which they devoted to Professor Smagulova G.N.