Professor’s hour on the topic “Pedagogical comparative studies: education system of Japan and Kazakhstan”


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March 2, 2021, at 12: 00 am a Professor of the Department of Russian Philology and world literature, Ph. D. Salanova J. H. was held a lecture in the framework of the professorial hours. A comparative analysis of the education systems of Japan and Kazakhstan made it possible to identify common features and differences in the organization of the educational process, the mental value orientations of the two nations and countries.

Salanova J. H. formulated the conclusion that the system education should focus on health, culture, and General functional literacy, vocational orientation as the basis of self-identity; family and Home as the basis of socialization; justice and tolerance as a condition for the harmonious development of the younger generation, cross-cultural interaction of people.

     The participants of the event came to a common opinion that pedagogical comparative studies convince that foreign experience is certainly useful. It is clear that one should not recklessly imitate world standards, but it is necessary to extract a rational grain. When relying on world experience, it is important to resist both the temptation of mindless copying and blind denial.