Dr. Mustafa Ugurlu's online-seminar on the topic "About Çağatay Türkçesi: research, importance, studies in Turkey"

Dr. Mustafa Ugurlu's online-seminar on the topic

"About Çağatay Türkçesi: research, importance, studies in Turkey"

14.11.2020 Department of Turksoy and scientific-research center “Written monuments and spiritual heritage” Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University organized an online seminar on "The Chagatai language: role, meaning, research in Turkey" by Dr. Mustafa Ugurly, a professor at the University of Mugla Sytky Kochman (https://www.mu.edu.tr/tr/personel/muugurlu).

Professor M. Ugurly provided extensive information on the origin of the Chagatai language, its geographical distribution, and the term itself.

According to Mustafa Ugurlu, today there are two main problems facing the Turkic studies of the Chagatai language: the first is the creation of a general dictionary of the Chagatai language, and the second is collecting unexplored work in Chagatai language.

The seminar was attended by undergraduates and doctoral students of faculty, as well as students and young scholars of universities of Turkey. At the end of the seminar, the head of the department of Turksoy PhD U. Kydyrbayeva thanked our dear guest and presented a "Gratitude letter" on behalf of the Faculty of Oriental Studies.

Kairanbaeva N.

Shadkam Z.

Publication date :  11/16/2020