Akimbay Shyryn held an open lesson on the works of Akhmet Baitursynov within the framework of "100 books that must be read"


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Public lesson Group: AiU 18-5 

Advisеr: Akimbay Shyryn 

The first open lesson of the 5th semester was devoted to the work of Akhmet Baitursynov within the framework of “100 books for reading”.

The students shared their thoughts on the work of our grandfather Akhmet Baitursynov. After reviewing his work, the students spoke about their feelings.

Although he did not receive the recognition he deserved in his time, we were once again convinced that he was a poet of high status for his successors. As Abai said, "Nature dies, but man is immortal," and when there are great works of such a great man, his name will not die.