Teams of the department of mechanics became the winners!


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02.22.2019, the Student Council of the dormitory number 6, together with the Department of Fundamental Mathematics, organized an event called “Fascinating Mech-Math!” The event was attended by 5 teams of students of the 1st course of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. Teams of the departments of differential equations, fundamental mathematics, mathematical and computer modeling and two teams of the department of mechanics competed. One of them is the team of the specialty “Mechanics”, and the second is the team of students with the specialty “Robotic systems”, which opened under a new educational program in this academic year.

The teams performed 4 tasks:

1) team presentation, specialty;

2) play the characters in the movie;

3) question-answer;

4) the job in the form of a game.

As a result, the team "Fundamental Mathematics" took the third place. The second is the "Mechanic" team, the first place was taken by the «Robotech» team.



Department of Mechanics,
