VII International Student Forum “Green Bridge Through Generations”


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On 9-10 April 2018, at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University will be held the VII International Student Forum “Green Bridge Through Generations”, dedicated to promoting the values and principles of Sustainable Development and the “Green” Economy for future generations, discussing opportunities and options for a large-scale dissemination of the basic ideas of Sustainable Development on the Eurasian territory.

The main goal of the Forum is to create an interactive platform for students and young scientists to discuss current trends in promoting “green” initiatives and preserving the environment, introducing alternative energy sources for Kazakhstan’s industrial development, mechanisms for introducing innovative developments presented at EXPO-2017 (Astana).

The program of Forum includes:

  • Plenary sessions;
  • Panel seсtions on the following areas:
  • “Green” technologies and environmental management in the context of sustainable development;
    • Preservation of biological and ecosystem diversity in the context of sustainable development;
  • “Green” economy and youth.

At the end of the Forum will be published collection of abstracts and forum materials (paper version), the electronic version will be posted on the website

Forum Language: Kazakh, Russian and English.

Articles and an application form can be found at the following link:

Articles and applications should be sent to the email address:

Applications and reports received in paper and electronic form by the Secretary of the Conference until April 1, 2018.

Material submitted to the Organizing Committee will be published in the conference proceedings.

Article Requirements:

Text is typed in Microsoft Word, Times New Roman size 14, line spacing 1, page format 20 mm – all sides, paragraph indentation 1.25 cm. Formulas and symbols are placed in the text of the article using the Microsoft Eguation formula editor. Drawings (jpg, tif, 300 dpi, 600 dpi for bitmaps) and tables should be placed in the text of the article, links in the text to figures and tables are mandatory. References to the primary sources in the text are enclosed in square brackets indicating the number from the list of sources used and page numbers when quoting; The list of references (made in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003) is placed at the end of the article. In the article the phrase “Article is published for the first time” is obligatory, The articles not published in other publications are accepted. The number of pages is at least 3.

Example of the manuscript:

UDK 539.186:537; 539.196:537


Ivanov I.I.

Satpayev University


Abstract (4-5 sentences, no more than 150 words)

Key words: (no more than 5 words)

The article is published for the first time.


List of References:

  1. Зельдович Я.Б., Бучаченко А.Л., Франкевич Е.ЛМагнитно-спиновые эффекты в химии и молекулярной физике // Успехи физ. наук. – 1988. – Т.155. – №1. – С. 3–45.
  2. Johnson R.C., Merrifield R.E., Avakian P., Flippen R.B. Effects of magnetic fields on the mutual annihilation of triplet excitons in molecular crystals // Phys. Rev. Lett. – 1967. – V.19. – №2. – P. 285–287.

In addition to the report, the file should contain information about the authors (application for participation); file name is author’s surname.


  1. Surname, first name, patronymic;
  2. Place of work (full name of the organization, department);
  3. Position;
  4. Scientific or academic title;
  5. Scientific degree;
  6. Contact telephones, e-mail;
  7. Section;
  8. The title of the topic.

The Conference Committee reserves the right to reject reports, presented outside the main directions of the conference and the publication of reports that do not comply the above requirements. The Organizing Committee does not involve in editing of the articles. Articles will be published for FREE.

Travel and accommodation costs of the Forum will be covered by the participants.

 Venue: Al-Farabi KazNU, the library “al-Farabi”.

Organizing Committee Address: 050040, Kazakhstan, Almaty, Al-Farabi Ave 71, GUK, room 1 eco, tel. . + 7(727) 221-16-04, +77474609221 Gulzhanat Tanabekova.