Visit of Professor Dilshod Achilov as part of the Fulbright program


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During visit, Professor Achilov taught the course “Peoples and Religions of Central Asia” for 2nd year students majoring in ‘Religious Studies’, and participated in a number of international scientific events. He acted as a speaker at the International Farabi Forum “Al-Farabi and the Spiritual Traditions of the Turkic Peoples” with a topic “Creative Thinking in Islam”, conducted a training for the teaching staff of the department on the methodology of scientific research.

Professor Dilshod Achilov's scientific specializations include comparative and international politics, research methods, democratization, civil society, the relationship between religion and politics (political Islam, social networks, radicalization, counter-terrorism in Central Asia and the Middle East). He was a member of the National Council on American-Arab Relations and a visiting scholar at the Davis Center for Eurasian Studies at Harvard University. His research has been published in several journals including Religion, State & Society, Social Science Quarterly, Democratization, International Political Science Review, Journal of Central Asian Studies, and more. He is co-editor of the upcoming book The Routledge Handbook of Central Asian Politics (Routledge Press ).