On April 11, 2016 on the football grounds Sports Complex KazNU. Al-Farabi start of the championship of the football club "Elіmay" at the execution of mini-football.

Attention! Football Tournament

On April 11, 2016 on the football grounds Sports Complex KazNU. Al-Farabi start of the championship of the football club "Elіmay" at the execution of mini-football . The competition involved teams composed of undergraduate and graduate students KAZNU. Applications for participation will be accepted until April 9 in the sports complex of KazNU Al-Farabi.

The panel of judges meeting with representatives of the teams will take place on April 8 at 16:00 at the audience №2 sports complex executions.

Organizers:Палагутин С.А. 87772250190 Шакен С.К.

Publication date :  4/1/2016