On April 9-12, 2018, within the framework of V International Farabievsky, the annual international scientific conference of students and young scientists reads "ФАРАБИ ӘЛЕМІ»"

On April 9-12, 2018, within the framework of V International Farabievsky, the annual international scientific conference of students and young scientists of readings "FARABI ӘLEMI" was held. The department of geography, land management and cadastre passed section sessions on the directions "Geography", "Land Management" and "Cadastre". In the framework of the conference "Geography" 45 papers were submitted, 11 reports on the "Land Management" direction, 21 reports on the "Cadastre" directions. In addition to students of KazNU named after al-Farabi, students from other universities of the CIS and Kazakhstan also participated in the student conference.The tender commission of the international scientific conference of students and young scientists "FARABI alemi" in section "Geography", having listened and considered the reports of the students decided to present the award to the following students:1 st place - Yunusova DR "Philosophy" of the new economic belt of the Silk Road. Scientific adviser: Nadyrov Sh.M. Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi2 place - Valieva E.I. Methods of spatial analysis in geographical information systems. Scientific adviser: Ph.D., Assoc. Duysebaeva K.D. Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi.Didarұli S. Shyғys Қазақстанның киелі жерлер geographies. Scientific adviser: Egorina A.V. S. Amanzholov atindyғy Shyғys Kazakhstan Қазақстан memlekettіkuniversitety.3rd place - A.A. Көктөбе табиғи шипалы суэлді мекенінің физикалық географиялық орналасуы. Scientific adviser: Ph.D., Assoc. Orazimbetova K.Sh. Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi.Нұрқуат S.Қ. Маңғыстау олысының туринің дамуындағы табиғи рекреациялық ресурстардың рөлі. Scientific adviser: Ph.D., Assoc. Kaliaskarova Z.K. Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi.Тілеулі А.М. Tabiғi faktordyң meditsinalyқ geografiyalyқ zhaғdayғa әserі zhane Әlmerek ata bұlaғynyң adam densaulyғyna paydasy. Scientific adviser: Ph.D., Assoc. Mylқaidarov Ә.T. Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi.
In the section "Land Management":1 place - Oshabay AA - 4 year. "Almaty baldness Bal'ash audaninyң егістік жерлерін тиімді пайдалану мәселелері". Supervisor: Ph.D., Associate Professor Tobergen ova AA2 nd place - G.G. - 4 year. "" Shymkent қalasynyң jer resurstaryn tiіmdі paydalanu Maseleleri ".Nauchny head: g.ғ.k., associate professor Saғymbay O.Zh.Iskakova D.S. - 1 course. Land management in the USA and Canada ". Scientific adviser: Art. prep. Abdydayeva S.S.3 place - Daulenova Zh.B. - 4 year. "Urban lands and features of their use" Scientific adviser: Ph.D., Associate Professor Duisebaeva K.Zh.Khafizova E.E. - 1 course. "Analysis of land management processes in the modern world." Scientific adviser: Art. prep. Abdydayeva S.S.Mzhitov A.D. - Master of 1 course "Оңтүстік Қазақстан олысы Отырр ауданының аылшаруашылық жерлерін тиімді пайдалану мәселелері Scientific adviser: Ph.D., Associate Professor Akashova А.С.
In the section "Cadastre":1 place - Қыrғызбай Қ.Т. - 3rd year. "Almaty облысындағы Еңбекшіқаза ауданының aylsharuashylyқ alқaptaryn agrolandshaftyқ tұrғıdan қarastyруru". Scientific adviser: Doctor of biological sciences, professor Mamutov Zh.U.2nd place - Baiturbay O. - 2 year. "" Шетлдердегі жер мониін жүргізідің ерекшеліктері ". Scientific adviser: Ph.D., Associate Professor Sakymbai O.Zh.Taszhanova A. - 2 year. "Shymkent қаласының жер aumағының кеңеюі мәселелері". Scientific adviser: st.prep. Kozhakhmetov B.T.3 place - Shuyabai AN - 4 year. "Kyzylorda oblysyndaғy Қazaly audanynyң agroklimattyқ erekshelіkterі" Supervisor: Ph.D., professor Mamutov ZH.U.Мұқаділ Т.Е. - 4 year. "Almaty baldness zher rastostarin zhosparlau zhne bolshaudy taldau." Scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Bekturganova AERakhmetolla A.Қ. - 3rd year. "Aymola bald" ayyl sharuashylyқ alқaptarynyң zhadayin қашықтықтан зондтау әдісі арқылы анықтау. " Scientific adviser: Art. prep. Kozhakhmetov B.T.
The best works of prize-winners from each section were recommended for the competition of the best student's works at the faculty level. According to the results of this contest, a fourth-year student of the specialty "Geography" Yunusov Dilraba was awarded with a diploma of the 2-degree for the best work. The theme of the report is "Philosophy" of the new economic belt of the Silk Road. Scientific adviser: Professor of the Department of Geography, Land Management and Cadastre of KazNU named after al-Farabi Nadyrov Sh.M.

Publication date :  4/27/2018