Open lesson: "March 23, World Meteorologist's Day"

For the World Day of the Meteorologist, undergraduates of the 1st year of the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management, the Department of meteorology and hydrology for students from the 1st to the 4th courses in the specialty "Meteorology" held an open lesson. The topic of the open lesson was "March 23, World Meteorologist's Day".

At the end of the open lesson, an online conference was organized on the "ZOOM" platform, where the history of the World Meteorologist's Day was told, what participation the Kazakh side takes in the convention of the World Meteorological Organization, and an intellectual quiz was held among students.

Every year, the World Meteorological Day is held under a certain motto, which draws attention to a particularly relevant topic at the moment. This year, the theme of the holiday was "The Ocean, our climate and weather", in which attention is focused on their relationship. When it comes to the weather and climate, most of us think only about what is happening in the atmosphere. If we ignore the ocean, however, we miss a big piece of the picture: covering some 70% of the Earth’s surface, the ocean is a major driver of the world’s weather and climate. It also plays an important role in climate change processes.

The ocean’s tight linkage with the atmosphere makes understanding its behavior vital for forecasting weather and climate conditions. The ocean absorbs most of the solar energy reaching the Earth; because the Equator receives much more solar energy than do the Poles, enormous horizontal and vertical ocean currents form and circulate this heat around the planet.

It’s also worth mentioning that the ocean is also a major driver of the global economy, carrying more than 90% of world trade.

#department of meteorology and hydrology

Publication date :  4/3/2021