International educational online event dedicated to the 160th anniversary of Dina Nurpeisova "Asem Konyr"

On April 13, 2021, an online educational event "Asem Konyr" was held. 1-3 year students majoring in OCT and Chemistry (OCT 203-205, HZ 214, HZ 101), 1st year undergraduates majoring in "Petrochemistry" and teachers of the Department of Physical Chemistry, Catalysis and Petrochemistry, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor G.Zh. Zhaksylykova, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Senior Lecturer F.M Kanapiyeva, PhD, senior lecturer N.Zh. Kudaibergenov and 1st year undergraduates majoring in petrochemistry P. Almatkyzy, organized by D. Mamyrkhan. Sedat Salogoglu, a kuishi of the Sakarya Municipal Orchestra of Turkey, presented Dina Nurpeisova's "Nauryz Kui" to the international event. Students from a number of universities in Kazakhstan (Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, Dombyra School-College of the Kazakh National University of Arts) and students of our Kazakh National University named after Al-Faraby also showed their skills. Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Education Management Bulatbaeva Aigul Abdimazhitovna highly appreciated the event.The participants received wonderful spiritual food from this event.

Publication date :  4/26/2021