Healthy lifestyle

The maturity of the human body is its health; if the body is healthy, it must be preserved, and if it is unhealthy, the body must be treated.

Abu Nasr Al-Farabi

On April 3, 2021, at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Department of "Physical Chemistry, Catalysis and Petrochemistry", 1st year doctoral student, specialty "Petrochemistry" Sailau Zh. and undergraduates of the 1st year, specialty "Oil and Gas business" Idrissova D., Zhamasheva A. within the framework of pedagogical practice held an event on the MS Teams platform "Healthy lifestyle-the key to health".

One of the long-term priorities of the Head of State address "Kazakhstan-2030" in the sections "Health, education, and well-being of citizens of Kazakhstan", "... for our citizens to live up to their lives and to ensure that their natural environment is clean", shows the need to prepare our citizens for a healthy lifestyle. Today, our independent country in this direction sets the main task for educational institutions of Kazakhstan- the education of comprehensively developed, healthy, committed to a healthy lifestyle individual. The message of the Head of State on strengthening the health of citizens of Kazakhstan, promoting a healthy lifestyle is the key to the future of young people.

The main purpose of the event is to promote a healthy lifestyle and discuss the main issues related to it: information about a healthy lifestyle, the main factors, and principles of positive impact, state programs for the formation, and messages of the Head of State. The event was attended by students, undergraduates, and teachers of the "Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology", who noted the importance and timeliness of the issues discussed.

Publication date :  4/9/2021