Improving methodological competence:

Improving methodological competence:
trainings and master classes for university teachers in collaboration with the Academic Department of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

From December 2019 to April 2020, teachers of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management Mynbaeva A.K. and Toleshov U.B. in collaboration with the Academic Department of KazNU, Methodological Work Service - led by Associate Professor G. Zhakupova, conducted trainings and master classes to improve the methodological competence of teachers.
More than 20 trainings and master classes were held at most faculties of the university. More than 200 teachers took part in them.
Topics of trainings and master classes:
“Methods of teaching new approaches in education and educational technologies” / “Bilim berudegi zhana tsildermen oyyt udistemesі zhne bilim beru tehnologlari”; “Designing the discipline: new methodological approaches” / “Пінді жобалау: жаңа ідістемелік тәсілдер”; "Active teaching methods"; “New techniques for carrying out CDS”
The trainings addressed the following issues:
- Theories of intelligence in education - teaching staff was tested - Howard Gadner test, test for representative systems (in this way, teachers can also test students to adapt lectures at the university, design classes based on the characteristics of specific groups);
- Pedagogy 2.0 and Pedagogy 3.0-Heutology: questions on strengthening student self-development - expanding the reflective competence of faculty and students, digital literacy and the use of digital learning tools ...;
- Psychological features of adult education;
- The use of active teaching methods - brainstorming, the method of "Car", "Home", coaching techniques, etc.The task was given to rethink the syllabus to take into account the types of students' intellect, stimulate the development of digital and reflective competence.
The checklist method was used to evaluate syllabuses with the aim of improving them, improving tasks of the CDS.

Publication date :  5/24/2020