«Psychology of successful personality: leadership, management of own resources»

October 27, 2017 Kasen G.A. c.ped.s., professor of the department of pedagogy and educational management and Samadin A.N., Erdenova M.B. master students of 2nd course specialty of «Pedagogy and Psychology», organized an educational event with elements of training named «Psychology of successful personality: leadership, management of own resources» in the framework of the project «Ainalandy nurlandyr». The goals of this event were to development of participants' leadership skills, the ability to set productive goals, the ability to effectively use the time, as well as the rallying of the group.

The event was organized in the form of a conversation with the use of training exercises.

The master students of 2nd course specialty of «Pedagogy and Psychology» of the Department of pedagogy and educational management took an active part in this event.

Publication date :  12/2/2017