“Methods of body-oriented psychotherapy”

On the 16th of November at 12:00 within the project “Cult of healthy body” was held an event called “Methods of body-oriented psychotherapy”. Psychology teacher Yelmira Kenessovna made an intro to the theoretical part of body-oriented psychotherapy, introduced with methods, types of body-oriented psychotherapy. Master student of specialty “Pedagogy and psychology” Dautova Zhadyra showed a master-class and practical use of basic techniques and exercises of body-oriented psychotherapy, as well as all this exercises were done in practice. All master students and bachelor students took part very actively, asked questions.

Organizers: c.p.s. associated professor Kalymbetova E.K. and 2 year master student of specialty “Pedagogy and psychology” Dautova Zhadyra.

Publication date :  12/13/2016