"The bright life without bad habits"

29/10/2016 2 year graduate-course students of specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology" in the c.p.s. guide of Kasen Gulmira Amanovna held a campaign "The bright life without bad habits" in the framework of the project "The cult of healthy body”. Organizers and participants of the action went out to the streets with balloons and suggested passers to exchange their balloons on cigarettes. The purpose of the action - the formation of attitude towards a healthy lifestyle as a personal and social priority, promoting a responsible attitude to their own health and of the environment, implementation of comprehensive preventive measures, aimed at creating a negative public attitude toward antisocial behavior. Residents of the city have shown an increased interest in this action, that is why the organizers collected more than 50 packs of cigarettes.

Publication date :  11/8/2016