"Today — the Student, Tomorrow — the Expert"

On November 27, 2015 in 12:00 h. for students Treasury of al-Farabi and students of college open educational event with the assistance of three chairs is held. As organizers teachers acted Puzikova S.M., Bersugurova L.Sh., Malikova Sh. B., Aymaganbetova O. H. and undergraduates 2 courses of law department Aynabekov A.T., Akpayeva N. A., Baydalina M. T., Sltanova A.A. Venue: law department, 4 halls.The presented subject "Today — the Student, Tomorrow — the Expert" brought up questions of moral and professional formation of modern students which caused brisk discussion and discussion.
Audiences I was the bright presentations promoting development of subject disputes are presented, a number of the exercises and tasks connected with future profession, and developing communicative skills is offered. Competition of teams which had to compete in ability of self-presentation was organized. Children expressed desire once again to meet and intelligently to compete. It is very good sign: everything worked well!

Publication date :  12/20/2015