On 17 APR 2020 in their Coffers.al-Farabi, faculty of philosophy and political science, senior lecturer of the Department of sociology and social work T. B. Tauekelov held a lecture with students of 1 course of a speciality "Actuarial mathematics" for the discipline "sociology" on the topic "People, urbanization and social movements" in the program "Rouhani gear".At lectures and seminars, materials from the textbook "Fundamentals of sociology", translated into Kazakh under the program "Ruhani zhangyru" Brinkerhoff, R. Waits, S. Ortega are used. Students analyzed the topics of society and its structure, culture, family, education and religion, politics and Economics, social transformations, and received many new concepts about society and its spheres. The book, translated into a language understandable to students, written in an accessible language, arouses great interest in the socialization of any student. This textbook increases the ability of students to think from the point of view of sociology, correctly understands social problems, understands the need to solve them and implement them.
#Рухани жаңғыру #kaznu #sociologykaznu

Publication date :  4/17/2020