In honor of the Holiday of Languages, held a round table on "Tіlім менің - тірлігімнің тірегі".

Department of Sociology and Social Work and 1 course of the specialty "Sociology" in honor of the Holiday of Languages, held a round table on "Tіlім менің - тірлігімнің тірегі".

Date of Conduct - September 21, 2017

Time - 11.00 o'clock Aud - 120 r (FMO)

Organizers: sots.nauch.kand. Avsydykova.A., sots.nauk, sciences, professor, Shedenenova N.U.

The purpose of the round table is to discuss the way of achieving the goals oriented by the President, expand the scope of the state language, promote the status and significance of the state language, increase the level of knowledge of the Kazakh language among representatives of other nationalities, study and apply the knowledge and interest.

Publication date :  5/30/2018