Рortrait of a young specialist from the point of view of employers

November 13, 2019 teachers of the Department Analytical, Colloidal chemistry and technology of Rare Elements was organized a round table the students of "CTIS – Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances" with the head of production of LLP " ОхТес " A. V. Vysotskaya, the Director of LLP "Shugla Shungit" Ahmedov J. D., Director of LLP "Golden Time Group" Saulcat J. M., head of laboratory of LLP "Kazakh scientific-research Institute of protection and quarantine of plants name Ascena Jeenbaeva". The level of professional competence of graduates of the chemical faculty of al-Farabi Kazakh national University was assessed. A portrait of a young specialist from the point of view of employers has been compiled. The article describes the guarantees of the quality of professional training of graduates in the assessments of employers. Issues related to improving the efficiency and success of employment of graduates were also discussed during the meeting. It was noted that the possibility of resolving this problem situation is possible only when the University unites and interacts with employer organizations.

Publication date :  3/12/2020