
Students of the Faculty of Oriental Studies received an educational grant of master's degree of the universities of China.


On March, 30, was held the republican Olympiad of Chinese language dedicated to the 20-th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, organized by the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Kazakh National University named after Al - Farabi and the Confucius Institute. There were participated students of 2, 3, 4 courses, who study at the Chinese language specialty of the country's universities.


Scientific Student’s Society


On February, 5-6th, 2011 the Scientific Student’s Society of chemical faculty of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University spent the “Open Cup of KazNU” tournament of intellectual games on brain-ring. The purpose of tournament is support of talented youth, development of mental abilities, erudition, logic thinking of students. 40 commands participated in tournament from 12 universities of Almaty city. On results of tournament prize-winning places have borrowed commands from Kazakh National University, KBTU, KazNTU, etc.


Report on meeting with the rector.


On March 25th, 2011 within the limits of activity of Diplomatic club “Talleyrand” at the Faculty of International Relations it was held a meeting with the rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Mutanov Galymkair Mutanovich.

At the beginning of the meeting the President of the Club Rylov Andrey gave a presentation on the activities, goals and objectives of “Talleyrand”. Prospects and planned actions of the Organization have especially been noted.




On March, 17th, 2011 the celebratory action, devoted to a holiday «Nauryz» were spent in a hostel 13 of Chemical faculty. Action has been organized by student’s Advice and dean's office of faculty and dean, assistants of dean, advisors and students took part in it. During action students sang songs, danced, have shown a ceremony «Tusau kesu», competed on arm restling, the command of KVN has acted. In the end of action in a hall of session of a hostel the special table has been covered and visitors and students were treated with national dishes and Nauryz-soup. Action has ended with a youth disco.




On January 16th, 2011 at school 43 of Uralsk Сhemical faculty of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National university spent Olympiad in chemistry among schoolboys of 11 classes of Uralsk, devoted to the 100th anniversary of a academician B.A.Beremzhanov. Olympiad has been organized by Head of chemistry department of the West-Kazakhstan State University, professor Dina Mendalieva and the graduate of faculty Ruslan Yermagambetov. 47 pupils participated in Olympiad, from them 33 have passed on the second round which was spent on February, 4th. On results of Olympiad of 7 schoolboys were awarded diplomas, the books published in KazNU and letters of thanks.


16.03.2011 years in geographical faculty, namely in faculty of tourism were significant day.


16.03.2011 years in geographical faculty, namely in faculty of tourism were significant day. This day teaching structure and students of faculty of tourism became witnesses of one of actions which remains for long memory. For the first time our faculty has concluded the contract from one of successful the companies on booking air tickets, hotels and cars Abacus. Abacus with advantage the developing company in Asia. Owing to this cooperation our teaching structure, is more precise than 8 teachers of faculty of tourism were trained Abacus in August, 2010. It proves that professionalism and work of our teachers is infinite. It certainly pleases to that as students of faculty will be same as well as teachers. Purposefulness and skill always to be successful in the activity of our teachers only pleases us, and we shall try to justify their hopes certainly. In September, 2011 our teachers which have passed a full rate on Abacus have received certificates, and 16 dates of May, 2011 our favourite teachers Aktymbaeva A.S and Aizholova G.R have received the certificate of a position of the teacher on booking air tickets, hotels and cars Abacus. Owing to this cooperation our teachers for the first time have started to teach us subject matter on the Supply with information of tourism. Representatives Abacus have provided to us a possibility to training at university, and also they have completely provided us with the necessary technics.


Cup of the Dean


Tournament on volleyball among students of the Kazakh National University hostels

on the Cup of the Dean of chemical faculty

On March, 13th, 2011 tournament on volleyball among commands of the students living in the Kazakh National University hostels on the Cup of the Dean of chemical faculty was spent. 10 commands took part in tournament and have played on Olympic systems for an output the ending. On the ending send 3 commands and have played among themselves. As a result a command of students of a hostel 4 geographical faculty has taken 1-st place and became the owner of the Cup. Student's commands of hostels 8 and 10 have borrowed 2-nd and 3-it places and were owned diplomas.




On February, 5-6th, 2011 the Scientific Student’s Society of chemical faculty of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University spent the “Open Cup of KazNU” tournament of intellectual games on brain-ring.


«Мистер и Мисс Мех-Мат»


Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық Университетің Механика - математика факультетінде 15 наурыз күні сағат 17.00 - де ұйымдастырылған

«Мистер и Мисс Мех-Мат» сайысына Ақпараттық жүйелер кафедрасының АЖ-10-5 тобының 1 - ші курс студенттері Нысанбаева Эльмира мен Изтурганов Алмас қатысып, мына турлар бойынша:

1. Таныстыру

2. Үй жұмысы

3. Салт-дәстүр өз өнерлерін көрсету барысында би билеп, актерлық шеберліктерін, тапқырлықтарын жоғары деңгейде көрсетіп, мынандай номинацияларға ие болды: Нысанбаева Эльмира - «Мисс очаровательная улыбка», Нысанбаева Эльмира - «Мисс национальный колорит», Изтурганов Алмас «Мистер национальный колорит».


Выборная конференция в КазНУ


Выборная конференция в КазНУ

15 февраля 2011 года прошла выборная конференция профсоюза «Парасат» работников КазНУ им.аль-Фараби. На ней присутствовали 50 делегатов из 33 подразделений университета.

Почетными гостями конференции были Председатель Алматинского Союза Профсоюзов Мырзагали Молдахметович Молдахметов и Председатель Алматинской Городской Организации профсоюза работников образования и науки РК «Парасат» Данат Жанатаевич Жанатаев.


Профсоюз КазНУ им.аль-Фараби поддерживает кандидатуру Н.А.Назарбаева


Профсоюз КазНУ им.аль-Фараби поддерживает кандидатуру Н.А.Назарбаева

Профсоюз «Парасат» работников КазНУ им.аль-Фараби посвятил свое расширенное заседание внеочередным выборам Президента Республики Казахстан.

Открывая собрание, председатель профсоюза Т.К.Мекебаев подчеркнул, что за годы независимости Казахстан сделал огромный шаг вперед. И эти достижения напрямую связаны с первым Президентом Казахстана Н.А.Назарбаевым.


Наурыз айының 11 жұлдызында "Ықтималдықтар теориясы және математикалық статистика" кафедрасы №14 жатақханада кафедра күніне арналған "Жұлдызды сағат" кеші өткізілді


Кеште студенттер кафедраның профессор-оқытушыларымен пікір алмасу арқылы білім, ғылым, тәрбие т.б. мәселелер бойынша біраз мағлұматтар алып, өздерінің ойларында жүрген сұрақтары бойынша жауаптар алды.


DOAJ -Directory of Open Access Journals


DOAJ -Directory of Open Access Journals, on the site:, includes full-text, scientific, review journals on various subjects, on many languages of different publishers.

Now, the Directory is having more than 1503 titles of journals, 380 of them are accessible for searching articles on medicine, biology, natural, social sciences and other subjects of science.


The Kazakhstan National Electronic Library


The Kazakhstan National Electronic Library – KazNEB, on the site: - is the Project of the Ministry of Culture and Information of RK. “The Formation of Electronic State Library Fund”, is realizing at the State program for increasing the informational area in Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2007-2009 годы. The Base of realization of the Project is National Academical library of the Republic of Kazakhstan ( NALRK).


The Databases POLPRED.COM

3/15/2011, is the full-text Database on the site -, is the information for universities. It gives daily renewing information, the united news and annals on Russian, from 600 resources: (1) industrial politics of Russia, and foreign countries in 1998-2010; (2) economics and law of 230 countries. Teaching staff a nd students are will be interested with this Database, taking examples from the practice of European Union, China and other countries.
Each the official site is translating from English to Russian, by clicking button and all can be reading on both languages.


The Electronic library of Dissertations of Russian State Library


The Electronic library of Dissertations of Russian State Library (RGB) on the site:, и, is the unique repository of dissertations, defending in country, from 1944, on all specialties, except medicine. Now in the fund is containing more than 900000 volumes of dissertations. About 30,000 of dissertations are entering to the fund annually. The Electronic library of Dissertations of RGB, gives the unique chance for thousands of scientists, to realize and renew their abilities, to reduce the cost of scientific research works, to formulate their own views, by the knowledge, taking from years.


Is the largest encyclopedically recourse of Internet RUBRICON


RUBRICON, on the site:, is the largest encyclopedically recourse of Internet,

Free access to all electronic versions of this Database, contains – 61 Russian encyclopedias and dictionaries, 19 books, 590073 articles, 86927 illustrations and cards. Login - kazlibrary, password – university.


The Databases SCOPUS


The Databases Scopus of the publishing house Elsevier, on the site: represents the most largest, unique summaries (referative) Database in the world, which indexes more than 18000 titles of scientific-technical and medicine journals, all about 5,000 international publishing houses and is renewing daily, including notes of the first editions of journals of leading scientific publishers. It providers searching of scientific publications and offers references on summaries (referats) from enormous volume of accessible articles and publications in Open Access, works of scientific conferences, and materials, which have access in electronic form.
The system SciVerse Scopus –is the most effective way of receiving relevantible scientific information and it’s evaluation in short period.


The Databases EBSCO


The Databases EBSCO, on the site:, with login - s4322645, password – password, is the resource of the Informational Centre of the Education of USA. It contains references and referats from 980 journals on education, and full -texts more over 5000 titles of scientific periodicals and publishing editions on many branches of science knowledge on English: business, economics, sociology, politology, history, life sciences, physics and others, all about 14000 journals and documents.


The opening ceremony for the DFG-corner


On the 11th of March, 2011 at 1 p.m., at the department of genetics and molecular biology, room 322, the opening ceremony for the DFG-corner, keeper - d.b.s. Aytasheva Z.G., has taken place under supervision of Consulate General of Federal Republic of Germany in Kazakhstan and DAAD. The opening ceremony was attended by Council, Mr. Gerold Amelung and Mrs. Eva Portsius, DAAD representative in Almaty, as well as teachers and students of the Faculty of Biology. The main purpose of the corner is providing teachers and best students of the department with the literature on modern genetics, molecular biology and related fields of knowledge.


Graduates of Taraz State University arrived at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University to undergo research practices


Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi serves as a base of scientific research practice for many institutions in Kazakhstan. Postgraduate Education Institute of KazNU announces that on 3 of March, 2011 graduates from Taraz State University named after M.H. Dulaty arrived at KazNU to undergo research practice in the specialty «6M020500-Philology» based teaching and the experimental laboratory of socio- and psycholinguistic research department of General Linguistics at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University under the guidance of Head of Department Professor Madieva G.B.



3/10/2011, 9 марта

Постановлением № 233 от 9 марта 2011 года Правительства Республики Казахстан Орунханов Мурат Кадесович назначен вице-министром образования и науки Республики Казахстан.
Касымбеков Бактыбай Ашимбекович освобожден от этой должности в связи с переходом на другую работу. Коллектив Казахского Национального Университета имени аль-Фараби поздравляет с назначением!


Встреча с компаниями Совета работодателей.


Уважаемые студенты, выпускники, Сектор карьеры организует специальные встречи с компаниями Совета работодателей – GSM Казахстан, Microsoft, Казатомпром, Евразийский Банк, KPMG, Билайн, Ernst & Young, Клуб Британских выпускников Казахстана «BACK».


Образовательная программа Совета работодателей (Евразийский Банк) «Future Twenty Five»


Евразийский Банк реализует инновационную программу «Future Twenty Five». Банк будет отбирать 25 выпускников КазНУ, завершающих в 2011 году обучение по программе бакалавриата или магистратуры.


Образовательная программа Совета работодателей (Евразийский Банк) «Future Twenty Five»


Евразийский Банк реализует инновационную программу «Future Twenty Five». Банк будет отбирать 25 выпускников КазНУ, завершающих в 2011 году обучение по программе бакалавриата или магистратуры. Стержнем данной учебной программы будет осуществляемая ежегодная ротация ее участника по пяти подразделениям Евразийского банка: фронт-офис корпоративного банкинга, фронт-офис розничного банкинга, финансы, внутренний контроль и риск-менеджмент.


Международный детский центр «Ак Ерке» приглашает желающих принять участие


Международный детский центр «Ак Ерке» приглашает желающих принять участие в конкурсе для работы вожатым в загородном лагере Ак Ерке. Работа вожатого в детском лагере – это неоценимый опыт для будущих педагогов, психологов, а также менеджеров в любой области. Именно здесь за короткий период Вы сможете проверить своё умение руководить, лидерские качества, умение увлечь людей своими идеями, повести за собой. Это – первый опыт построения отношений в работающей команде, проверка человеческих качеств в достаточно экстремальных условиях. Если Вы интересны детям, если Вы – современны, продвинуты, жизнерадостны, мы готовы работать с Вами. Все вожатые будут награждены Сертификатом, который Вы сможете предоставлять будущим работодателям.


Состоялся отборочный тур компании ТенгизШеврОил.


25 марта 2011г., на базе химического факультета прошел отборочный тур успешных выпускников университета по специальностям естественно-технического профиля. Конкурсный отбор прошел с участием представителей Департамента оптимизации производства, техники безопасности и окружающей среды компании ТенгизШеврОил. В конкурсном туре приняли участие более 200 выпускников бакалавриата и магистратуры.


Отборочный тур компании ТенгизШеврОил в КазНУ


25 марта 2011г., на базе химического факультетасостоится отборочный тур успешных выпускников университета по специальностям естественно-технического профиля. Конкурсный отбор прошел с участием представителей Департамента оптимизации производства, техники безопасности и окружающей среды компании ТенгизШеврОил. В конкурсном туре приняли участие более 200 выпускников бакалавриата и магистратуры.


Международный детский центр «Ак Ерке» приглашает желающих принять участие


Международный детский центр «Ак Ерке» приглашает желающих принять участие в конкурсе для работы вожатым в загородном лагере Ак Ерке. Работа вожатого в детском лагере – это неоценимый опыт для будущих педагогов, психологов, а также менеджеров в любой области. Именно здесь за короткий период Вы сможете проверить своё умение руководить, лидерские качества, умение увлечь людей своими идеями, повести за собой. Это – первый опыт построения отношений в работающей команде, проверка человеческих качеств в достаточно экстремальных условиях. Если Вы интересны детям, если Вы – современны, продвинуты, жизнерадостны, мы готовы работать с Вами. Все вожатые будут награждены Сертификатом, который Вы сможете предоставлять будущим работодателям.




On January 16th, 2011 at school 43 of Uralsk Сhemical faculty of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National university spent Olympiad in chemistry among schoolboys of 11 classes of Uralsk, devoted to the 100th anniversary of a academician B.A.Beremzhanov.


Каталог вакансий – KPMG, Казатомпром, КазМунайГаз, Ernst& Young


Уважаемые студенты, в Секторе карьеры распространяется специальный каталог вакансий. Каталог вакансий Сектора карьеры – это вакансии ведущих компаний, интересные предложения о работе, информация о текущих мероприятиях. Используя систему выбора вакансий каталога, вы легко можете найти себе работу в Казахстане.


Summer term


Dear Students!

We invite you to attend 2 summer semesters: the 1st summer semester – from 30th of May to 2nd of June (registration till 15th of May) and the 2nd summer semester - from 27th of June to 30th of July (registration till 15th of June).

A wide range of courses of leading professors of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, employers, graduates of “Болашак” program, also remote courses are offered. All lessons are in Kazakh, Russian and English.

Additional information can be found at:


M.Makatayev in the “Tarzhiman” club


In the 9th of February for the 80th anniversary of M.Makatayev the “Tarzhiman” club arranged a poetric translation meeting called “Mukagali – the great poet” in the Philological Department, in the chair of Literary Works and Theory of Artistic Translation. The memorial meeting was organized by the second year students of Translation Affairs.