SDGs 15. Life on land

Museum of the "Gylym ordasy"


Nature is crucial for our survival: nature supplies us with oxygen, regulates our weather conditions, pollinates our crops, produces food, feed and fiber for us. But it is under increasing negative influence. Human activity has changed almost 75% of the Earth's surface, displacing the animal world and nature into a very tiny corner of the planet.

One of the goals of the country's sustainable development is the protection and restoration of terrestrial ecosystems. For this purpose, the students of the group, who chose the biological and chemical disciplines of the Department of pre-university training, visited the museum "Gylym Orda". The museum contains information about rare animals and plants listed in the Red Book, where you can find out how to preserve them.


Educational club "Zhaukazyn"


The preservation of life on earth and the restoration of ecosystems is one of the goals of sustainable development. In this direction, the Department of pre-university training operates an educational club "Zhakazyn". Club members study plants, including what types of indoor flowers exist, how to take care of their flowers and how to propagate them. Indoor plants are of great importance. They not only decorate our room, but also purify the air of the room, at home. Therefore, plants need to be properly cared for.