6B05106 Geobotany

Educational program

6B05106 Geobotany

Field of education

6В05 Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics

Direction of personnel training

6В051 Biological and related sciences

Group of educational programs

В050 Biological and related sciences

EP purpose

High-quality training of specialists for general education and secondary specialized educational institutions, research and production institutions of botanical, as well as agricultural profile, environmental laboratories and departments of environmental monitoring and assessment, environmental protection and environmental management, environmental and sanitary-epidemiological control.

The implementation of the educational program is aimed at shaping the personality of a specialist capable of:

 Demonstrate understanding of the achievements of biological sciences, development of new technologies in the field of geobotany, modern botanical research tools, ensuring the protection and protection of the environment;

 Assess the current state, prospects for the development of vegetation and the environment, as well as formulate research tasks and ways of their implementation using modern technologies;

 Solve professional problems in the field of geobotany,

Use various types of information and communication technologies; build a personal educational trajectory.

Language of education

Kazakh, Russian, English

Volume of the credits


The awarded academic degree

bachelor of education in the educational program "6B05106-Geobotany»

Educational outcome

Upon completion of this educational program, students are expected to be able to:

1.         To describe the patterns and trends in the development of special activities for the production of scientific knowledge, taken in their historical dynamics and considered in a historically changing socio-cultural context.

2.         Explain the principles of organization and functioning of science, the Genesis and history of science from the standpoint of the formation of its models, images and styles of thinking.

3.         Classify geobotanical works in accordance with regulatory and technical documentation.

4.         Analyze and comprehend the realities of modern theory and practice on the basis of the history and philosophy of science, methodology of natural science, socio-humanitarian and technical knowledge

5.         To apply the knowledge of self-consciousness of science in its socio-philosophical perspectives; the phenomenon of science as a profession, social institution and direct productive force, to reveal the disciplinary self-determination of natural, social and technical Sciences, their similarities and differences.

6.         To monitor natural resources, environmental management, areas of man-made risk. Develop projects for the conservation of vegetation.

7.         Use application programs to solve various geobotanical problems. To collect, analyze and use geobotanical studies to study the natural resource potential of the country, individual regions and regions for the purpose of environmental management.

8.         Apply practical skills in the field of geobotany. Organize and manage geobotanical works in the field and office conditions.

9.         Develop a monitoring program for environmental control based on geobotanical studies.

10.       To present the strategy of analysis, to argue the system of indicators for the development and implementation of the strategy of the organization aimed at ensuring competitiveness in the specialty.

11.       Participate in the development and implementation of resource saving programs in enterprises.

12.       Have the ability to interact with others in a rational and honest way, including developing a sense of social responsibility and solidarity, be able to work in a team. Objectively assess their achievements, to realize the need for the formation of new competencies; determine the direction of further personal and professional development; plan changes in the profession and develop their own skills as well as to choose and implement life plans. To master modern technologies of analysis, planning and organization of training and education, communicative technologies of subject-subject interaction of the teacher and the student in the educational process of the University.

For applicants
