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On March 30, 2023, the lecturer of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Candidate of Biological Sciences, associate professor Zhumabayeva Beibitgul Akimalievna was awarded the medal "Eren enbegi usin". She also received a Thankgiving letters from the Parasat trade union.

Beibitgul Akimalievna graduated from our university in 1985, and began her scientific career as a laboratory assistant at the Aitkhozhin Research Institute of Molecular Biology, then worked for more than 10 years at the Williams Institute of Agriculture, where she participated in the implementation of the state program "Biotechnology of agricultural crops for the zone of activity of the Eastern Breeding Center for the period 1986-2000".

In 2002, Beibitgul Akimalievna returned to her native university as a teacher and since then has been lecturing on such disciplines as "Animal biotechnology", "Mutation process" and "Genetic foundations of biotechnology", etc. in Kazakh and Russian. Released by her in 2017 "Textbook on animal biotechnology" received the first place at the republican competition of textbooks.


Beibitgul Akimalievna Zhumabayeva was the head of six scientific projects devoted to the study of the properties of beans, wheat, pumpkin and arharomerinos.


The staff of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics congratulates Beibitgul Akimalievna Zhumabayeva with a well-deserved award!


Staff of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics