Time management in the psychology of a successful personality


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In the introductory part of the master class were discussed issues of success and its components. Through the forces of all participants was drawn up a psychological portrait of the modern "successful personality". Then each determined its own uniqueness and the percentage of correspondence to the ideal of "successful personality". Also, they have charted the path of their development and personal growth. After, psychodiagnostics of personality traits was carried out using the Psycho-geometric test, a technique for investigating the self-esteem of the Dembo-Rubinstein personality.

In the main part, the teacher highlighted the issue of leadership as an important quality of a successful personality; the principles, basic methods and techniques of time management are thoroughly explained to effectively manage their time and achieve personal success. Next, each master student practiced in planning his affairs through the Eisenhower matrix, and also learned how to set goals using the SMART method.

In the final part, the results of the Harvard study on writing desires and goals onto paper were presented, and the teacher introduced the undergraduates to various ways of fixing desires, goals and dreams. In general, the master class was held in an inactive mode and a friendly atmosphere.

Organizer-moderator: Acting Professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology Kabakova M.P.