During 09.11.2015-16.11.2015 the week of the cycle of economic subjects was planned and conducted.

15.11.2016 "Money, credit, banks" Mazhieva G.O.held an open lesson. She used the method to activate students of the group and  paid attention to the time; using the methods of the teacher during the lesson student has mastered the material in real contribution to the development of the ability to think. Lesson estimated be held at the highest level.

Day of the national currency on 16.11.2016 "Tenge supporting of our independence," Open educational hour. Lesson is the introduction in the history of the national currency. Slides were shown the students' creativity.

17.11.2016 "Principles of Economics" Yergali D.E. held an open lesson. Teacher evaluated scientific and depth of knowledge of the students. Visual aids, drawings, diagrams, models were used in the classroom. Students understood the importance of responses, and try to do their best.

17.11.2016 "Money, Credit, and Banking" Ongarova W. held the open lesson on the subject of technical training and used visual media, has organized the work experience and practical knowledge, it held at a high level.

18.11.2016 "Nationalism. Racism. Extremism "The adviser MazhievaG.O.held an open group hour. Currently, about a wide range of issues, focused on what was being done to solve the problem. Adolescent define their attitude to these matters what measures are being taken to resolve these problems.

All open class accordingly the title, with the content. The purpose of the lesson during the lesson completely fulfilled. Great educational value. Teachers scientific training are at a high level, pedagogical skills, teaching skills, all students have shown the ability to organize theirselfpreparing work.


Publication date :  11/25/2016