
In the article "Looking to the future: modernization of public consciousness", the Head of state noted that "we are a country with a huge land and a rich spiritual history. The vast territory of the great Steppe has played various roles in history. But, as an internal narrative of the people who inhabited this spiritual geographical zone, it was never interrupted, " he stressed. In addition, the article "seven faces of the great steppe" tells about how our ancestors protected our great land, and played the role of the horse in the Kazakh history. This is stated in the article "culture of riding".


Our task is to convey to the younger generation the spirit of the batyrs who defended the country in history. As the article says, "special attention to the native land, its culture and traditions is one of the most important manifestations of true patriotism", the realization that the culture of riding and horse breeding were transmitted from the great steppe.


To do this, I believe that new works written for children should be composed. All the works mentioned so far are outdated. Time has changed. With time, the idea of a nation changed. In the works written in yesterday's Soviet period, the idea of that era obviously prevails. Today, the free youth of an independent country need literature. I am convinced again and again that the horse has a special place in the life of nomads.


Magaz Retbek

Publication date :  4/18/2020