The Great Abai - a Great People

On November 22, 2019, the open event «Ұлы халықтың – ұлы Абайы» was held, dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbaev, organized by senior teacher Idrisova Gulzhan Asankyzy and teacher Magaz Ratbek. The main purpose of the event is to popularize the great heritage of the Kazakh poet, great sage, thinker, composer Abay Kunanbaev in extracurricular activities. The competition was attended by 4 groups in 5 sections:

1st round: «Өлең - сөздің патшасы, сөз сарасы» (recite Аbay's poems)

2nd round: ««Қарасөздер» мазмұны» (analyze the words of Abay)

3rd round: «Жүйріктен жүйрік озар жарысқанда» (quiz)

4 round: performance from poems

5th round: «Болмасаң да, ұқсап бақ...»

According to the results of the competition, the 3rd group (the Bolashak team) was awarded a diploma.


Publication date :  11/30/2019