"Personal, Social, Professional, Life Success"

22.11.2017 at 18.00 in the 106th audience of the Faculty of International Relations a seminar was held on the topic "Personal, Social, Professional, Life Success" with the 1st year undergraduates of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science. (Specialties: Culturology, Political Science, Socialization and Social work).

         The organizer of the event is Professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology BerdibayevaS.K.

The seminar was held within the framework of the project "Ainalandy nurlandyr". Professor Berdibayeva S.K. described interesting facts and events about the psychological aspects of success and told the undergraduates about many psychological technologies and methods in personal, social, professional and life successes, which are important for the development of each person.

         The psychological nature of the phenomenon of success was analyzed on the basis of an intellectual dialogue with undergraduates that success is the achievement of final life goals without violating the rights of other people. The meaning of success lies in the fact that the triumph of personality can not be exchanged for material values. Professor Berdibayeva S.K. described many important psychological aspects of success.

         During the educational seminar, a lot of videos and slides about the phenomenon of success were demonstrated to the 1st year undergraduates. The psychological educational event was very interesting and at a high level of content.


Publication date :  11/28/2017