Internationalisation of education: opportunities and prospects

October 9, 2015 at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of al-Farabi Kazakh National University, in the framework of a business meeting with Mrs. Violeta Dobichina, a psychologist by training, held a round table on the theme: "Internationalisation of education: opportunities and prospects".
The round table was attended by representatives of six departments of the faculty - heads, deputy heads of departments, responsible for two diploma programs, active of the faculty. Mrs. Violeta Dobichina, is director of academic and cultural exchange, "PREDTECHI BG" at Sofia University, presented a report on the educational projects implemented with al-Farabi Kazakh National University and others universities of Kazakhstan, also she shared ideas about possible projects. Mrs. Violeta Dobichina told about the opening at Sofia University Center of the Kazakh language, and asked for assistance.

In turn, the Dean of the faculty prof. Massalimova A.R. proposed a number of new joint projects with Sofia University, including a master's two diploma program, ethnocultural educational practice and an international school of psychology, to be implemented in the coming years.
The round table was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere, causing great interest from the management of many departments.
After the Roundtable, Deputy Dean on scientific-innovations work & international links affair Meirbaev Bekzhan Berikbaevich organized a meeting of Violeta Dobichina with Aigul Zhanserikova director of "Aigul Line".

The program of educational practice developed by the Department of Religious and Cultural Studies of al-Farabi Kazakh National University in the frame of academic and cultural exchanges with the Republic of Bulgaria. A program practice along with theoretical material involves tours, master classes.
On the last day of the visit of Mrs. Violeta Dobichina, Dean of the Faculty professor Masalimova A.R. thanked colleague for assistance and support in the implementation of joint ideas and projects.



    Collaboration coordinator with Bolgar’s universities,
  Associate Professor of General and applied psychology chair  M.P. Kabakova

Publication date :  10/15/2015